Friday, March 2, 2012

"If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it and let it become you, and you will find great things happen for you, to you, and because of you." (T.A.Armstrong)

It took me a long time to discover my passion for writing, but now that I have embraced it, I wonder how it was that I lived without it.

If you are like many of us, struggling to share in words what we see or hear or feel inside, then tapping into your creative passion can free you from the day-to-day challenges of writer's block, lackluster plots, vanilla characters and mundane subtext.

Unless, of course, you are trying to write a dull short story with boring characters and a shallow plot.

When I was wading through another rewrite of my last novel, I found it difficult to continue pushing through the self-doubt and tedious work. So I took a break for a week (or was it two or three?) and enjoyed life's other pleasures. When a friend of mine called and said that he would be in town, I accepted an invitation for lunch. It was good to see him again.

Sitting at a fast food restaurant, we began talking about writing. He's published poems, short stories and political cartoons over the years, and he shared some of his favorite poems. Then he asked me if I had begun writing my novel. As I talked about my book, my friend would interject comments or ask questions. I was enjoying the discussion. But then he leaned back and held up a hand. I stopped.

"That's your passion! You have a passion for writing."

His words struck me, ringing true in my ears. His revelation swept over me, energizing me. For some unknown reason, I had not realized it before. Writing was enjoyable, but at times quite frustrating. I wrote because I had promised myself that I would finish a book.

Once I embraced my passion, the drudgery of writing, rewriting, and editing evaporated. My passion freed me.

Do I still have "those days" when the plot stumbles or my dialog drags? Of course. But it is my passion that brings me back again and again to push through (or go around) whatever blocks my creativity.

Embrace your passion. Live your dream. Change the world.

~ Morgun

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